Hacking Videos are Banned on YOUTUBE
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YOUTUBE Bans Hacking Videos
Recently youtube update their policy about hacking videos and any illegal content like hacking and phishing tutorial videos. Youtube give instructions to that channel users who upload these types of videos that he will not upload these type of illegal contents at youtube . And say that the content they upload till now this is banned content and you remove it from Youtube.
And the problem is that the hacking and this type of videos are not naturally bad because who upload these type of content who will not do any crime because they only teach the next generation of cyber security.
However YOUTUBE is not confirmed that this policy is for sometime or always.
The is we show in this picture that youtube new policy about hacking and phishing content.
Whenever you update your youtube version these policies are automatically updated and the youtube videos that you want upload if those videos are hacking or phishing related videos then your video will be deleted by youtube.
Content creators puzzled
The content creators are puzzled because if they upload content than youtube ban the video or ban he channel from the video is uploaded. now youtube make this rule and update their policy list and clearly mention that the hacking and phishing contents are dangerous after updated the policy from youtube the creators are too much puzzled about this because YOUTUBE update this on Wednesday on the policies of YOUTUBE.